Our goal is to give you the best possible experience, ensuring that everything is in order, before, during and after the move, while remaining simple, friendly, and straightforward.

Dear Client of Déménagement Ready2Move inc.
We are sorry you have found it necessary to report a claim. Déménagement Ready2Move inc. attempts to settle all claims in an equitable and timely manner. We appreciate your cooperation in filling out the claim form. Once you have completed filing in your claim form, you will be responsible to MAIL IT BACK, to Déménagement Ready2Move inc.

Upon receipt of the form, a file will be established and assigned to an adjuster. You will receive a phone call, letter, or e-mail within 30 days of Déménagement Ready2Move inc. receiving your Claim Form. Once your claim has been acknowledged, it will be necessary for an adjuster to examine your claim and your relocation documents to see what steps are necessary to  process your claim. Since all claims are processed in the order they are received, we ask for your patience during the review process.

Please keep in mind that we as the carrier have the right to thoroughly investigate all claims. If necessary, Déménagement Ready2Move inc. reserves the right to inspect damage items to confirm transit damage. Please retain the damage articles, including shipping cartons. These items MUST be available for inspection. Do not dispose of, or relocate, damage items until after your claim has been processed.

In addition, please retain copies of your relocation documents, also known as your Bill of Lading. Copies of your Bill of Lading MUST be available for inspection. The Bill of Lading states our standard liability coverage. In brief, it states that your Household Goods and General Commodities are covered to a limit of 0.60 cents per pound per article, unless otherwise stated on the original Bill of Lading. This is found on the front copy of the Bill of Lading and in detail on the backside of the same document under the heading “Terms and Conditions”.



To fill out this Statement of Claim form, you will need to reference your copy of the following items:

  1.  Household Goods Carrier’s Bill of Lading and Freight Bill.
  2.  Household Goods Descriptive Inventory.

In all cases, keep damaged articles (including shipping containers) for inspection. Arrangements will be made to inspect and estimate damage to the articles you have claimed.


Do not repair or dispose of any damaged items or cartons the items were contained in. All items being claimed MUST be available for inspection before we can accept liability for any damages done during the move.


Please be advised:

  • For interstate (long distance) moves, you only have NINE MONTHS from the date of delivery to complete and send this form to our office.
  • For local or permanent storage moves, you only have NINETY DAYS to notify us of a claim and FOUR MONTHS from the date of delivery to complete and send this form to our office.
  • The carrier must receive the claim form within the stated filing period.

    Customer Information

    Customer Name (*)

    Current Mailing Address

    Where did you move to?

    Where did you move from?

    Additional Information

    If "YES" then where?

    Agent Name

    Agent Address

    Indicate: (*)

    NOTE: If the item is repairable but you will accept a nominal cash allowance instead of repairs, enter the
    amount you are requesting. If repairs are preferred, click the "repair" box. Arrangements may be made to
    inspect the claimed item. However, please enter a dollar amount claimed and/or click the repair box for
    every item claimed.

    What type of valuation was the shipment moved under?

    Claim #1